Academic Coaching
AI has advanced significantly and can assist with various aspects of manuscript preparation, such as writing, graph construction, and creating summaries or presentations. However, there are still areas where human expertise is crucial. For instance, while AI can generate text, it cannot yet fully grasp and align with your specific research context or interpret your findings in relation to existing literature. Similarly, AI can create visually appealing presentations, but the ability to present and engage an audience effectively remains a uniquely human skill.
In academia, a well-rounded approach is essential. Academicians must be thinkers, designers, executors, writers, orators, teachers, and mentors. This comprehensive role includes reviewing literature, identifying research opportunities, proposing hypotheses, designing experiments, analyzing data, interpreting results, drafting manuscripts, presenting at conferences, applying for grants, and striving for academic advancement.
To support these endeavors, specific skills and tools are necessary. This workshop is designed to address these needs, particularly for undergraduate and graduate students, drawing from my extensive personal experience in the field. I will provide practical tools, offer tips and tricks, and highlight key do's and don’ts for effective academic writing and presentations.
Practical tools for academic writing
Tips to avoid common pitfalls
Highlight do's and dont's
How to craft an engaging CV and SOP
Presentation hacks
Code of Conduct on an international stage
Join my two-hour live interactive workshop to gain a foundational overview of essential skills in an academic career.